Landscape Cost: N/A
RIBA Work Stages: 2-4
GUARDA produced a landscape and visual impact assessment for a B1 office and start-up hub (2 storeys in height). The scheme also encompasses a new vehicular access from Stortford Road and associated car parking, landscaping, drainage, infrastructure, earthworks and other ancillary and enabling works.
A key aim of the assessment was to inform the design process and so where necessary we presented our assessment findings to the design team, with recommendations for mitigation, to ensure that we could minimise residual impacts and enhance the landscape.
Although there were no significant landscape designations on the site, we still had to assess impacts from the public right of way network which was prevelent in the area and neighbouring Listed buildings.
The planning application was sucessful and we then followed up with discharging landscape conditions with detailed hard and softworks drawings, utilising planting and materials which were both robust and effective.
landscape, where possible.
Our assessment documents are both technically astute and clear/easy to read, assisting the local planning authority with their decision.
We can also assist in the production of development masterplans, design codes and other strategy documents, working with architects, masterplanners, engineers, ecologists and arboriculturalists to derive an optimum solution.